15 August 2014

Chicks Dig Jerks

Chicks dig jerks. Apparently, they also dig philandering alcoholic nazi surf bums.


  1. Indeed. My own experiences bear this out although one needn't be rude about it. Just take firm charge of any and all situations. Women love being told what to do. It makes them feel secure.

  2. Per Varios Casus18 August, 2014 18:45

    From the movie Metropolitan:

    Rick Von Slonecker is tall, rich, good-looking, stupid, dishonest, conceited, a bully, liar, drunk and thief, an egomaniac, and probably psychotic. In short, highly attractive to women.

  3. "Chicks dig jerks." BTW, you're showing your age by using the slang word "dig." Did ya have to include all of us?! Stupid chicks, insecure chicks, and messed-up chicks are the ones who go for jerks--and not all chicks fall into these 3 categories, although some men would say otherwise. As for myself, I prefer a sexy gentleman. I like to be waited on as opposed to being told what to do. While I'm with him, he will only have eyes for me or else he won't be with me. I have my standards.

  4. "I have my standards."

    Said by generations of either old maids or desperate 30-somethings who finally marry in haste as their biological clocks run out resulting in an inevitably bad end.

  5. Hi there, Jacobite--
    I don't fall into either of your two categories--old maid or desperate. The description I gave belongs to my husband. He brushes my hair after I get out of the shower. He watches our three children while I take naps on Saturday afternoons. He tells me I'm beautiful on a regular basis. In public, he always sings my praises and never puts me down--this applies to his family too. I admit I'm blessed but I would have never given him the time of day if I hadn't seen the potential in him. I've always been secure enough to walk away and not be bothered, and I've broken my share of hearts in the process. And, as for the other side of the marriage equation, I behave in a such manner as to merit his attention and praise. I don't nag and I don't put him down to my family and friends. I also dress in a manner which pleases him---he doesn't care for slutty clothing or layers of make-up.

  6. Admiral Cod . . . thanks for the compliment. It is even more special since you rarely give them. I enjoy reading your blog. Your stories are quite amusing, and I like your writing style. I sometimes feel sympathy for all of the pretty women who never seem to hold your attention for very long. You are a "player," but I was never one who was easily played.

  7. "He brushes my hair after I get out of the shower."

    I suppose that in the absence of a lady's maid or an attentive daughter one must make do with whomever is available.

  8. Yes, Jacobite . . .
    I make do. My husband knows how to give special attention and I expect nothing less. I have my own ways of returning his attention as well. BTW, I love, love having my hair brushed--especially since it's long.

  9. FEW THINGS are sadder than people who brag on the internet...
