03 September 2014

Cupcake Culture

There's a cupcake store down the street from where I live. The idea of a shop devoted just to cupcakes seems odd to me, but apparently it's quite popular. Every weekend when we're out at local restaurants and bars we notice a line out the door of about 30-40 people. People lining up to buy fucking cupcakes! Incredible. Outside there are groups of people sprawled about on benches and tables, languidly picking at cupcakes. Many of these individuals, it almost goes without saying, possess the body type that in a sane world would discourage them from ingesting more sugar. I do wonder, though, if the effect obtained from cupcake consumption equals that of cocktail overload? I doubt it. For one thing, the conversation, I imagine, is not as engaging, nor the imagination as stimulated. Just another scene from modern life that I shall never understand.


  1. Just imagine what new wonders will present themselves as the country becomes even more feminized! There is a cupcake store in a small town (population ~3000) near me! Of course I've never been in one before, perhaps they're not stocking the "cupcakes" we think they are?

  2. Good story.


  3. The bovine housewives and metrosexual/homosexual sheeple line up for blocks around Georgetown Cupcake here in DC : https://www.georgetowncupcake.com/

  4. There's a cupcake shop a few minutes from my home but I've never been to it. The cook has recently come up with a cupcake that is topped with bacon and she can't make them fast enough. Apparently everything goes great with bacon--even cupcakes.

  5. This is too funny... especially the f*ing cupcakes part...

  6. Cup-a-cakes are sooooo last year.

    Noodles are in now.
