19 December 2008

Imperial German Dueling Club

Today's university students, one might argue, are inveterate louts. Our ancestors were a sturdier breed. In the photo (above) note the horn-rimmed spectacles, repp tie, and the blood on the face of the chap at lower left.


  1. Is it just me or is the bill of the cap worn by the fellow on the right ridiculously long?

  2. We still do "it" in Germany & Austria ...

    The cap worn by the fellow on the right is long but right for his job as a "Sekundant" for his fencer.

  3. Exactly, my dear Corpsier. The tradition of the Bourschenchaft (I do hope I have spelt that right) are still around, despite repeaetd attempts to suppress the fine traditions of honour and loyalty. Long may they continue.
