16 March 2009

The Last of the Montecristos

Women and weed rightly belong to the world of young men. For more settled chaps such as yours truly, their very availability is temptation itself. Resistance, I find, becomes harder to sustain. It was with that thought in mind that two months ago I accepted a box of 25 Montecristo cigars carefully hand-delivered to me from the Middle East via Paris. The picture (above) shows the lone survivor of the initial shipment.


  1. You can't beat a good cigar....

  2. Fortunately the Cubans are still cheaper (inc delivery)than the fakes.

  3. Nice, is that a Flashman paperback. They need to make movies out of them kind of like the Sharpe series.

  4. Admiral, you've obviously resolved the weed question...where women are concerned go the time-honoured route and shower your wife with diamonds and furs. It's not a cliche without reason.

  5. My former wife "lost" my humidor packed to the gills with Cubans when we sold our house. It's been six and a half years. I'm almost over it.

  6. That photo pretty much sums it up. Fine company to keep.

    One wife, two children, my humidor gathers dust.

  7. I recently started re-reading the Flashman papers series and am thoroughly enjoying them. I thought it was an age thing returning to Waugh, Macdonald Fraser etc and was surprised to find that my 15 year old son is consuming them faster than I am. Just hope he doesn't see Flashy as a role model!

  8. just bought a pack of "cigets" in a harvard square cigar shop. These are hand rolled in the dominican republic but are the size of a cigarette. Very nice for at the pub

  9. if you go to the montecristo website they have a 3 cigar sampler you can purchase for around 10.00$

  10. the first time i had a montecristo was in paris. i was sitting in a circular booth watching a show and drinking something spectacular. thanks for bringing back a wonderful memory.
