10 April 2010

Young Fogey: Quinlan Terry and Radical Classicism


  1. I have been following Terry's career for decades now. He is a god, as far as I'm concerned. A genius!

  2. He cuts a dash but his "architecture" is a joke.

  3. Following on... Quinlan in my mind produces a meagre pastiche of the architecture he claims to represent, the classicism seen in cities such as Bath, Edinburgh and others is tied to broader themes that were taking place in society (such as Edinburgh restyling itself as "the Athens of the north" and the second city of the Union whilst emerging as the epicentre of Enlightenment thinking). The work of architects such as David Chipperfield carry on many of the themes of classical architecture whilst being as innovative as Adam et al were in the 1700's.

  4. H. Roark, Your comments are what are the joke, and a bad one at that, in my opinion. When you win the Driehaus prize for architecture, then jump in on the brilliant Terry in the meanwhile do everyone a favour and spew elsewhere.
