24 May 2010

Confessions of a Young WASP


  1. To have at least once in life been taught strict forms of (traditional) dress and manner is important I think, even if one should choose to look for alternatives, later.

    The keyword, I think, is to possess culture, any culture, of some sort at all; only on its base can one rebell against it-but: 'ex nihilo nihil fit.'

  2. Right now I'm fluffing up my drapes in my lingere.

  3. Loved the magazine Article...you should make sure WASP 101 reads it carefully.
    And that couple on the sofa in the clip...worth the price of admission!
    Well posted Sir.

  4. Gigging ones forebears doesn't seem to have worked out all that well for Lang Phipps.

  5. "Wenn ich Kultur höre ... entsichere ich meinen Browning!" --Hanns Johst

    The clip was priceless.

  6. Unlike the wannabe BS today we see so much of today this is a video of a group of people who are the REAL deal.
