19 May 2010


The shock of stock market volatility in recent weeks has led to brief periods of detachment and absent-mindedness, much more so than usual. A result of which, errors have been committed. I reveal one here. In the accompanying photographic image (at port), young Digby, a Hermann's Tortoise (Testudo hermanni hercegovinensis) from the mountains of eastern Croatia, is shown leaving the scene of a spilled cocktail in great haste. Normally he is a cheerful enough fellow, friendly, tranquil, and dignant, if at times given to an aristocratic haughtiness that is typical of his race, who likes nothing more than to sunbathe by the pool whilst tucking into Caesar salad. But in this case, the look on his face is one of extreme displeasure and one can only imagine his mood.


  1. There's a fellow cut off more times than I've been.

    One of Des Esseintes' erstwhile compatriots, no doubt.

  2. Perhaps, he is retreating due to the dismal, cloudy ice cubes. Surely, he prefers his gin over crystal clear rocks.

  3. Perhaps. But I suspect it is due to his favouring Bombay Sapphire.

  4. Damn, it looks like it was good gin too.

  5. I also had two of those 'Greek land tortoises' as they're called here, vulgo...maybe a sea-turtle would be more effective to clean up any spilt liquor. ;p

  6. He just looks like he's pissed off about losses in his portfolio...sometimes there isn't enough gin to deal with the market.

  7. Note: No gin was wasted in the taking of this photograph.

  8. have you seen the gin & titonic ice cubes. some are little icebergs, and the others are small ships.

