18 May 2010

On the Marble Cliffs (Ernst Jünger)


  1. One of Jünger's most amazing: a favorite of mine behind Storms of Steel. Far more enjoyable than the The Glass Bees. I will admit that besides some of his political writings, those three books are the limit of my readings of Jünger.

    Your taste in literature is exemplary.

  2. Glass Bees is excellent as far as its prognoses on technology, Marble Cliff for its timeless insights into tyranny, be it German, Soviet, American whatever.

    But if you stop there, you're missing the best stuff, which is what so often happens with Juenger. Above all read Eumeswil and learn how to be an anarch in this flattened, collectivized world.

    And then visit my blog for discussion of the Anarch.

    Simon F

  3. Great book!

    @ Simon Friedrich: I think that in The Marble Cliffs, Jünger is alredy taking the "anarch" way , in opposite of his preceding war writtings.
