31 May 2010

A Tribute To Our Troops: Rhodesian Forces

Coming to a Western country near you...


  1. I don't know how many old Rhodies read your blog, it was all a long time ago. Thanks for remembering

    John Ist battalion RRR 1968 1971

  2. CodTradMon...Enjoyed the clips. Here's a link to one that always quickens my pulse. Dead Stick landing...no engine no nothing...listen to the pilot breathing. He's cool as a cucumber.


  3. Be a Man Among Men....

    Epic. And as BdV pointed out...the rise of Mugabe could have been prevented. Another nasty little criminal that the U.S. pretends doesn't exist.

  4. I remember reading about the bush wars in Rhodesia as young kid. I so wished I was older so I could go like the man across the street from where I lived. My parents would not let me speak to him for fear of my interest growing even more. It was over long before I could have gone and as to my neighbour from across the street, he was killed there.
