19 July 2010

Eton Fives at Aldenham


  1. the pic reminds me of the day I noticed the Racquet Club of Philadelphia and wandered in for a look around.
    Is it sad to say I had absolutely no interest in a sport involving a racquet but coveted the in house barber and reading room.
    I do preffer a locker room with leather chairs.

  2. Bro...did you see them plaing raquets or Court Tennis? One of the most esoteric of games (medieval in origin) and played only in 2 or 3 places in the U.S...The Racquet Club being one. They also have excellent Snapper Soup... plenty od squash courts and a great bar...and they are hard up for members so now's the time.

  3. I like to think I would be worthy of membership no matter the thickness of the ranks; I know, I know, that wasn't meant to be an insinuation. Though it wouldnt have been far off as I know no one who is a member which apparently is the first prerequisite to membership.
