01 October 2010

Franco: Trad Style

This exclusive photo of Francisco Franco, taken from the cover of a Spanish historical magazine picked up this afternoon in Mexico, just screams trad style. The image is superb. Trilby...trimmed haircut with moderate sideburns...tie...v-neck jumper...tweed jacket with a 3/2 roll and patch pockets...flannel trousers with 2.875" cuffs...brogues...side-by-side shotgun. Does it get any better? Of course one wishes that in place of the slaughtered partidges at his feet there were slain Republicans, communists, anarchists, Abraham Lincoln Brigade volunteers, International Brigade troops, and maybe a Hemingway or two instead. Rather beastly of me to say so, I know, but the war in Spain was a high-stakes game and in a way we are still in it. Nothing is ideal. So remember: always compare and always connect. Francisco Franco ¡ Presente !