20 March 2011

Research Study into the Effects and Implications of Hat Use on the General Standard of Society

Scientifical proof


  1. Agreed. Bring back the hat.

  2. Admiral, as an act of public service may be you could inaugurate the Admiral Cod Easter Bonnet Competition?

  3. One of the reasons I wear a hat is to travel in better society.

  4. Just as I thought. Long live the hat!

  5. I knew it! I have been canvassing for the return of the hat for several years now. And I don't consider a baseball cap or a knit cap to be a hat, by the way. Reggie

  6. You gotta blame JFK's hair. Because of his "power hair", he looked better without a hat, which became his signature look.
    This was the start of the decrease of the use of hats. First in the US than all around the world.

    Interesting to learn that society standard did follow.

    I wear a hat on my holidays in Bavaria, but not in Düsseldorf's business 'cause I'm a coward.

    But Ford's right: Bring it back!

  7. I used to wear hat to go to work but people tend to give me "Who's that nutter?" look! Who knows hats may come back in again. Sir Anthony Blunt once said, "Art doesn't progress. It evolves". The same could be said about fashion.

  8. Lock & Co. in St. James, London, has the world's best. Still custom made since 1676. Used to be sold at Brooks.

    JFK was very bad for hats as well as many other things.

    Vern Trotter

  9. During the past winter I took to wearing a Persian envelope hat by Overland Sheepskin Co. Tilted at an appropriately rakish angle, and sporting a beard besides, I took on the aspect of an ancient European barbarian.

    The baseball capped slobs and hipsters sporting fedoras gave me a wide berth.

  10. I adore hats, specifically the caps worn by chimney sweeps in some B&Ws.

    Vernon - JFK was bad for hats and monogamy ; )
