03 June 2011

Chelsea Farmers Club Berlin

Note the large hip flask


  1. Admiral, I rather like the selection of canape carriers off to the right.

  2. The hip flask would require keg bearing hips.

  3. Unashamedly Crap03 June, 2011 12:34

    Been away and only just noticed you've quietly dropped the milquetoast insurance clerk photo at the head of your column and gone back to the loud drunken prat picture. A huge improvement; I did tell you.

  4. UC ~ Thanks. I am touched that you noticed. I think you will appreciate my 'lady killah' photo.

  5. Unashamedly Crap04 June, 2011 09:03

    P.S. I forgot to mention that I am a member of the real Farmers' Club in Whitehall Place. If you are ever passing through, ask for me at Reception - they will know instantly who you mean - and I will stand you a glass of the finest English whisky.
