14 June 2011

Evelyn Waugh on Wine

'...It is a little shy wine like a gazelle.'

'Like a leprechaun.'

'Dappled, in a tapestry meadow.'

'Like a flute by still water.'

'A prophet in a cave.'

'...And this is a necklace of pearls on a white neck.'

'Like a swan.'

'Like the last unicorn.'

'Ought we to be drunk every night?' Sebastian asked one morning.

'Yes, I think so.'

'I think so too.'


  1. Drinking every night should be discouraged. Think of how the mornings and afternoons feel being left out of all the fun. By a slight realignment of the letters in the word "sober" we get "bores" and nothing bores like being sober.

  2. Indefinably Bogus15 June, 2011 13:55

    I also love the passage where Mottram takes Ryder out for dinner in Paris and insists on the appalling brandy.

  3. Bogus: not the brandy was appaling but the parvenu style of drinking it in an over-blown balloon-glass even though it was a mere digestif in a humble yet well-picked restaurant.

  4. Indefinably Bogus18 June, 2011 12:53


    I think you should go back and read that passage again.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Indefinably Bogus22 June, 2011 12:40

    Entschuldigung, Wernher. How's the Chinese coming along?
