14 July 2011

Guards Officer Kit

"Circa 1960, Patrick O'Higgins, a former British infantry
captain in the Irish Guards, strikes a pose before his
complete all-season wardrobe in his New York apartment"
© Slim Aarons


  1. What a great picture. Chukka boots, Trilby &c. When was it taken? I'm intrigued to find out more, much much more, about this great photo.

  2. Benedict ~ It's a Slim Aarons photo, the caption of which reads: "Circa 1960, Patrick O'Higgins, a former British infantry captain in the Irish Guards, strikes a pose before his complete all-season wardrobe in his New York apartment."

  3. This remind me of my father, circa 1960 and what we can learn from the past. BRAVO !!
