11 October 2011

Beagling at Millbrook

Millbrook, New York


  1. Admiral, mercifully still permitted by the insecure lower middle class woolly headed liberals who now oversee the denigration of a once great country...

  2. I think that it is and it isn't permitted. As a matter of law, it is plainly illegal to chase foxes with two or more 'dogs', as the Act cack-handedly calls them. As a matter of practice, the enforcement authorities seem to have been told not to enforce the law. This way the 'antis' have their law and the country folk still have their hunting!

  3. Ah, the days on Long Island prior to strip malls and dreadful dialects.

  4. One would normally hunt the Hare with a pack of Beagles. Hunting with hounds as it was for Fox, Hare or Stag became subject to the very poor "hunting act" of 2004. Beagling is alive and well and we hunt within the law whilst fighting for repeal. I shall be attending a joint meet with the Eton Beagles at the end of this month and am looking forward to it immensely.
