14 October 2011

City Gent

"He used to be the bastion of Britain, sorting the nation's finances out during the week then shooting pheasant at weekends on his estate in Berkshire. These days the city gent has moved rather swiftly to being the country's favourite pariah, and is forced to wear his beloved pin striped suits and bowlers only at night in select gentlemen's clubs, to avoid being stoned in the street."

Am I A Chap?, Gustav Temple (2011)


  1. Town bowlers have just about altogether hit the dust.

  2. Another book worth purchasing, it seems.

  3. Mr. Temple is a self-proclaimed gentleman anarchist. (Hear, hear.)

  4. LSS ~ Careful, ol' chum. I'd use this book as an introduction and reference guide, but these chaps aren't half as amusing as they think they are. Buyer beware.

  5. The lack of nationalist sentiment among the City Gents has hoist them on their own petards. That internationalist free trade financiering ideology is more the problem than them being bankers or money makers. Return the Monarch to proper power and I suspect the problem will be quickly set right.
