08 November 2011

Candid Bespoke

Life is too short not to go bespoke. It's a directive around which I've ordered much of my adult life, and I think you should, too. The photo (at left) shows a recently delivered pair of bespoke slip-ons from London. I like to think they have a vaguely armoured look, like a dinosaur or armadillo, or the riveted plating of a Tiger I stalking Bolsheviks by moonlight in a Russian forest. Note the 2" cuffs on the dark grey worsted trousers. Most of my suits and shoes are in charcoal and black respectively, you will have noticed, as befits a chap who works in a financial orifice most of the day. I'll leave the peacocking to other men who need the attention.


  1. Although I don't hold an office job I still think that they're excellent!

  2. I'm incredibly envious, I would love to own a pair of bespoke shoes.

  3. Marvellous mon Admiral, the shoes really look, as if theyre an armoured-part of an Iron Man dress!
    ...horribly beautiful!
    The peacocking thing's true, I act the same, mostly...(forget my socks and ties!)
    @v.B.: "Gentlemen don't work Willy-not real Gentlemen!"
    By Downtown Abbey.

  4. I've got the essentially identical, armoured shoddings in work presently at Cleverley. Of course, since I don't work in the financial planning realm, I tarted my armour plates up with conger calf suede.

    Probably in my humble and irrelevant opinion, the most iconic (certainly is for Cleverley)non-lace up dress shoe on the planet.

  5. Damn it admiral! The Cleverley porn must stop! Kidding of course, you have an excellent collection.

  6. No break on the trousers? How very of-the-moment.

  7. Bradley ~ I take a medium break, as always.

  8. Shoes are outstanding on stilts. I much prefer a punched cap shoe to medallion though i wear both. These are excellent.
