15 November 2011

Game On

A brace of pheasants napping


  1. How lovely, catching up with their beauty sleep.

  2. B&P ~ Dreaming of the pot, no doubt.

  3. Looks more like the 'big sleep' than a nap.

  4. Beautiful guns and birds. Time for lunch!

  5. Not big fan of the straight English grip on those double guns...but they are beautiful...as are those Cockbirds....a delicious dinner is in the offing with those..Thanks for the picture....that's Sportsmen's porn!

  6. I bet they have drunk too much of that Famous Grouse-stuff again...

  7. I happen to favor the straight stock. And not just for aesthetic reasons. I believe it requires a bit more of the raised elbow and more cheek on the wood both of which have better results. Especialy on driven birds.

    Bad form to display a brace of birds and a brace of guns. More of the former required. Otherwise a little prissy. Plus the guns appear spanking

  8. I had the pleasure of finally partaking in a pheasant hunt in the honor of my father's birthday. Between our new shotguns, watching the dogs work the scent, the smell of gunpowder and coming home with 6 pheasants and 5 chukars, I would have to say it was one of the best days in recent memory.
