30 November 2011

"My Britain is fuck-all now"


  1. I think she's Sid Vicious reincarnated.

  2. English Mums retake the Empire! Mobilise the pramzerdivisions!

  3. I understand she has been arrested for "hate speech", proving her point.

  4. Haha, look at the guilt-ridden white liberal at about 1:40 hug the black guy sitting behind her.

  5. Nasty Chav! Sort of hot though.

  6. You wont ever see this proletarian-kind where I'm from.
    Vornehmes Benehmen geht anders-keine Stammesdame! ...im entferntesten nicht.

  7. Lovely vocabulary with a child on your lap ....wadda skag.
    She blathers a xeno-phobe racist skin-head mantra but is likely on the dole.

  8. Very interesting.

    If there were a few hundred like her would it work? I think maybe. I read here the constant judgment of the language she uses, as if that really matters. Divide whites by class, make standing up for your own (but only if you are white) some kind of shame while all other groups do the same and enjoy the benefits.

    And who gains? Whom? The internationalists, the globalists, the people who benefit from their being no effective resistance based on nation and blood. So clever. It has worked well.

    For now.

    One more point. In places like Canada and the US you will find crowds applauding the coming demise of whites. You will find applause for, say, aboriginals saying whites should 'go back to Europe'. But suddenly when the tables are turned and indigenous Europeans speak up for their own they are opposed by other Euros first!

    The game has been well played. Perhaps, even, it is over.

    But I think not.

    Not yet.

  9. Ouroboros ~ That is exactly the sort of sick-minded white liberal in need of a strong horse-whipping in public. When the shooting starts--and I’m certain it will--I plan to hunt down these traitors first.

    Thirty Miles At Sea ~ It isn't a death spasm, I would aver, but the inarticulate rage of a backlash or counter-revolution just starting to find a voice.

    MLS ~ She has bigger balls than most so-called men in the West.

    That Old Blood ~ Well said. Agreed. Observe the snarling orcs and ape-like creatures attacking her. And yet she holds her own! That it takes a young English woman holding a child to state truth to power is a clear indictment of the pussified, ball-less shits who call themselves men. If these motherfucking betas aren’t denouncing her, they’re sat in front of the telly pretending it isn’t happening. Fucking cowards.

  10. As long as the northern european countries continue to allow this slime to over run their countries in the name of diversity the common man is screwed. Sentiments I think she was trying to express, however poorly. Not that the US is doing any better.

  11. Anon @20:22 ~ I’m doing very well in life. As you can see here. And I'm sure it angers you.

    You know you’re wrong, which is why you’re scared. And you do have something to fear, I can assure you.

    You advocate the ethnic cleansing and genocide of my people in our own countries, and yet you have the audacity to call me the aggressor. What nerve! What chutzpah!

    As I said, your kind should be very concerned about what’s coming. Because it is.

  12. I never travel on public transport but if this sort of street theatre is a common accurrence I could be tempted to do so.

  13. Many people share her sentiments but are not prepared to speak up.

    Suppressed rage is everywhere and cannot be contained forever.

    It is like a cancer eating away at the country and if left too long will surely be the death of us.

  14. The future of America:


  15. LBF-With mouth...one may expect to find a set of "nads" on her.

  16. Satire, but I must agree, regardless:


  17. I think the problem in Britain is that patriotism has been demonized.

    In many cities across the country, hanging the Union Jack has been banned. This is supposedly so as 'not to offend' the immigrant population, but what it does in offend the those Britons with national pride.

    It's policies like these, coupled with old feelings from the British Empire, that lead to these outbursts. Those Britons with national pride feel threatened, and lash out.

    Unlike America, Britain is not a melting-pot culture. It does not impress upon it's people that they are 'British' first, and 'White'/'Asian'/'Black' second.

    I realize this is a right wing blog, but I do not agree that all immigrants should be forced out of the country. Rather, those British (left and right) with any national pride, should encourage massive national demonstrations of British culture, with the ultimate goal of assimilation.

  18. Anon @16:39 ~ Thank you for your comments. But, this is not a "right wing blog". It is predominantly about style and culture. Any political and cultural views expressed herein go way beyond the old "Left vs. Right" paradigm. The concepts of "right-wing" and "left-wing" mean nothing now.

  19. Emma West was simply expressing the disgust and frustration most white britons were already feeling because of the devasting effects of non-white immigration into britain.We may not approve of her conduct as a reflection of our own people,but we can certainly sympathize with her and other working-class britons.Zionist world jewry is wreaking intentional havoc on ALL white nations through third world immigration,"diversity",and racial mixing.We must stand up now or lose our once great civilizations forever.
