01 December 2011

English Defence League

Rural detachment


  1. Where are the English upper classes when it is time to defend English nationalist causes in the public sphere? The task is left up to inarticulate yobs who, though willing, are ineffectual at creating anything except bad press.

    See the latest from Emma West, recently arrested in London, for more details.

  2. Now that's how a gentleman dresses when carrying a 50 Caliber machine gun! Marvelous!

  3. Men like these are the modern day equivalent of the 300 Spartans.

  4. Dominion of Canada makes an excellent point. He explains why people like me, the educated middle class, are emigrating in droves...

  5. I admit that I am totally out of touch with what’s what these days but this is “tongue in cheek” I hope. Give these gentlemen a mullet haircut, T-shirts, Gimme hats, a hound dog, and a pickup with non-PC bumper stickers and you have some characters from “My Name Is Earl.”

    How does it go at Thermopylae?...something like -"Tell the Spartans, stranger passing by, that here, according to their laws we lie." As a Marine from the early 70s, these guys would not make the cut. They do, however, have cute clothes!

  6. "Rural detachment"?

    More like rural involvement,I daresay.

  7. To me, the question & problem of living in the modern age has always been, how to reconcile our outwardly comfortable bourgeois lifestyles & occupations with our essentially anti-bourgeois, anti-materialist, aristocratic (Evolian) ideals - these men seem on the right track.

  8. Chevalier: It's not too difficult to live a moderately martial, aristocratic lifestyle. Lift weights, learn to hunt and shoot, find a traditional church that doesn't suck the lifeblood out of you with communist pap and you're halfway there. The key is to elevate yourself above the herd.

    There will still be lots of time for drinks at the club and wearing tasseled loafers.

  9. The chap in the front must be an old RAF Lancaster Air Gunner!

  10. http://www.freebirdbooks.com/uploaded_images/1939-world-fair-745005.jpg

  11. You might be interested in the demise of Old England in Paris, Cod. I've posted a thread on Style Forum:



  12. Regimental Stripe02 December, 2011 20:30

    @Anonymous 14:06

    The Yellow Peril.

    Let us pray that one day we don't read about the demise of Old England (the concept and the country) following the demise of Old England (the shop). Maybe the Houses of Parliament wil be converted into a shopping mall for Chinese tourists one day.

  13. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Voelker_Europas.jpg

  14. @Blanc

    “Völker Europas, Wahret eure Heiligsten Güter”

    Pour les lecteurs qui ne sont germanophones:

    "Peoples of Europe: Protect Your Most Sacred Possessions!"

  15. "It's not too difficult to live a moderately martial, aristocratic lifestyle. Lift weights, learn to hunt and shoot, find a traditional church that doesn't suck the lifeblood out of you with communist pap and you're halfway there. The key is to elevate yourself above the herd."

    That's an excellent summary. I would only add avoiding the influence of government and the media on you and your family.

  16. This counter-revolutionary reaction will start from the country-side!

  17. How "they" twist the facts:


  18. David Lammy's poor misunderstood youths even nicked two of Aaron's chairs:

