27 January 2012

Tintin en avance


  1. Snowy doesn't think it's too early!

  2. SAII ~ It was certainly too early for me this morning. I was still drunk from the evening before. And tonight I'm drunk again.

  3. Just be careful it's only a few of the hairs and not the whole dog! Cheers.

  4. I am amazed that Hollywood was so true to the original. All-male adventure stories are a rare thing these days in film, however common they might be in life, and I found a woman reviewer from San Francisco who was mightily offended by it.

  5. DEK, I'm from San Francisco and that doesn't surprise me in the least.

  6. "It seems to me that I will remember for always, in the same way we remember those childhood and marvelous images we admired in our infancy and that seem more real that all that can be seen in the course of life"
    Léon Bloy, Le Pélérin de l´absolu
