07 March 2012

Presenting Crockett & Jones

Allow me a few words on shoes. In the exclusive photo (at left) I'm wearing a lightweight Brooks Brothers suit in a glenplaid pattern and a pair of Crockett & Jones shoes, the 'Westbourne' model to be precise. I acquired them last year and since then they have worked their way up my list of favourites. Among the most comfortable shoes I own, they rival even my bespoke Cleverleys and Lobbs if it can be believed. The elongated toe box is such that in retrospect I could have gone down half a size. Their unusually attractive aspect, I've noticed, draws the attention of style-concious young women. Why should you be surprised? Ninety per cent of success in the office--and with the ladies--can be attributed to looking good. And looking good means, in large part, wearing proper clothing and shoes.


  1. Sexy! Get me a job for some UHNWI-portfolios in Cali, cause my weather sucks. The 90% thing only works in this area, but in no derivatives-office unfortunately. They seek only a Dr. in maths. Ah, back to clothing, sorry! The shoes are great! Crockett is my favorite brand, right after Edward Green. Nice patina.

  2. GGG ~ Thanks. Send me your CV when you graduate.

  3. Already did, am working for some years now.
    Don't miss the campus alot, you?!
    So, CV?! ;-)

  4. young brunette hottie08 March, 2012 16:01

    "Every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp-dressed man..."
