04 April 2012

Rugby Beards

Beard you like? I do. The word sur la rue is that I've grown a beard. It's true, I have done. It's a trimmed model with a reddish-blonde exterior, not unlike that of the chap in the middle of the photo (at left). I've received many positive comments on it, especially from the ladies. What they're thinking, I've no idea. (If you're a chapette and approve of beards, please submit an explanatory comment). Me, I simply wanted to change it up a bit, to effect the Wall Street-meets-Mountain Man look, or, as my chums keep pointing out, the 'Most Interesting Man In The World'. The look, I've been told, suits me quite well.


  1. The man to the left and he in the middle could be my brothers.

    I'm glad to hear that you keep sporting that beard!

  2. I grew one for the third time in my life last year but,owing to reddish hair and age, the chin part was entirely white and, given that I looked older than my 80 year old father, it had to come off. Mind you, if I get to 80 (which is extremely uinlikely) I might reconsider...

  3. Every now and then I'll grow out a full beard, which contains hints of red amongst the blonde. Otherwise, I'm as clean cut as an SS officer (which I'm often complimented as after a haircut).

  4. A beard is a wise decision.
    Post some pictures.

  5. Don't forget 'The Caveman':


    He's playing club rugby down here for Balmain at the moment.

  6. Good to hear you got a beard and not a prison pussy LBF.

    I'm surprised you didn't use a pic of Sebastien Chabal by way of example of the rugby beard.

    In my present occupation I have the luxury of mostly working in comms rooms, late nights, and never really having to meet people. And never shave again. If only I could drink and work then my life's ambitions would be complete.

  7. I love beards. I'm a fan of the morning-after tingly reminder on your inner thighs as you cross and uncross your legs.

    Beards must be well-groomed; no scraggly, hipster beards. If a man is unfortunate enough to have uneven facial hair, then he should not attempt a beard.

  8. I'm a full bearded man since 2001, and really love it!! My wife tells me that if I shave my beard, she'll not touch until a new beard growns...
    At first, people in my job looks me in a suspicious way (it's a very conservative & classic dress job) but now 2 fellows wear full beards too, even one has a goatee.
    Try it for 6 or 9 months, and then you will never shave again!!!
