09 May 2012

Nationalist Tribute

I recently donned a black Lacoste polo shirt (at left) in tribute to my Greek Nationalist comrades who achieved significant electoral success over the weekend. Well done! Good show. As I keep telling you, although it is prudent for now to play the game, ultimately the current crisis will be solved by extra-political means. You know it, I know it. I think it is noteworthy therefore that the Greek Nationalists have in their ranks former serving members of paramilitary units that fought on the side of our Serbian brothers in the 1990s. We'll get our civilisation back. It's only a matter of time. And, inevitably, bloodshed.


  1. Looking very buff there, keep up the good work.

  2. Hail the Golden Dawn.

    And Marine le Pen did well also. We could be about to see a real shift in France.

  3. Agreed...and also with Lear & Tabs' observations.

  4. Now it is time to see if the Golden Dawn can capitalize on their gains.

  5. They did well, about 20% if I remember. Probably things will only worsen in Greece, which is good for Golden Dawn

    Iceland has done well though. It seems that they essentially told the IMF to get stuffed.

  6. Blanc/Ivoire ~ I hear you. I just don't want to get into that discussion here.

  7. I used to live in Greece during the military dictatorship. Left or Right, the Greeks are just big, bumptious children. Lovable, yes, but fundamentally unserious.

    Remember, Fogey, that the Colonels were able to organize their coup only by invoking an off-the-shelf Nato plan. I doubt "the shelves" contain such things today.

    P.S. Ever seen "Z"? It's a paranoid hoot, but it does give an accurate impression of the political sentiment in Athens in those long ago days. Watch it and root for the bad guys. Take a shot every time some military man says, Dreyfus was guilty!

  8. young brunette hottie11 May, 2012 10:35

    You are looking good, my friend.

  9. Heard the Greek news from a Serbian mercenary out here in a forgotten land.

    He seldom smiles except when he heard the results.

  10. ζητω o LagunaBeachFogey, είναι παλικάρι!

    Other countries will have groups that will take heart from this event.

  11. Anon @18:37 ~ Thank you, my friend. What's coming is inevitable. If you and your comrades need a helping hand in Athens, let me know.

  12. Golden Dawn not Goldman Sachs

  13. "The question is not how far. The question is, do you possess the constitution, the depth of faith, to go as far as is needed."

    Boondock Saints (1999)
