27 May 2012

What I'm Reading (And Drinking) Now

The holiday weekend started early for me on Friday afternoon. I've been more or less drunk since then. How I've managed to get out and about, from A to B and back again, I've no idea. Yesterday I spent the day poolside, reading newspapers (FT) and a book or two (one of which can be seen at left), checking out the local bikinis, and surreptitiously enjoying some home-made cocktails. The problem with starting on the drinks in the morning is that by the time lunch-time rolls around one can feel, as the French say, très pooped. So yesterday I fell asleep in the sun for over an hour and am now sporting a deep red-tinged tan and sun-bleached hair. It feels as if I've a million things going on at the moment, some of which I will tell you about. (Don't worry, it's all good). But for now, I'm hard at work trying to relax and monitoring my cocktail intake.


  1. Oh, how I love a Sapphire Martini: Very Dirty, Extra Olives ; )

  2. Enjoy yourself sir.

  3. That is living!

    My poolside was overwhelmed by children with parents who are, themselves, overgrown children.

    Still finished re-reading my Flashman.

  4. Innocence always calls mutely for protection when we would be much wiser to guard ourselves against it: innocence is like a dumb leper who has lost his bell, wandering the world, meaning no harm.

    Graham Greene

  5. No taxation without inebriation. Isn't this what we are fighting for?

  6. Youre aaaalways drinking THAT;-)
    ...which I like btw!!
    Cheers mate

  7. Bombay Sapphire? Excellent choice sir!
