07 June 2012


For the last several months I've been wearing a small replica of Mjölnir, or Thor's Hammer (at left). It symbolises, I suppose, a final transformation, a gesture of resistance, or, perhaps more accurately, a restoration of bio-cultural identity. But I tend not to think too deeply about it; I'll leave the analysis to the intellectuals. Wearing it at the beach or pool occasionally I get curious looks from people; I've noticed these same individuals often wear a cross or surf pendant, or sport curious facial hair or tattoos. All rather conventional statements. How do you turn your revolt into style?


  1. I once sponsored a small sports team with an appropriately Germanic/Wagernian logo on their shirts. I still wear mine for exercise, etc. I've gotten alot of compliments since it looks pretty cool.

  2. My statement is my hairstyle. But, the most important symbol I carry is a Para-Ordnance .45 and 3 spare mags.

    My best statement? Freeballing.

  3. Luftwaffe shirt.

  4. It is more usefull, at age 22, to be completely in disguise..

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wv6aGzYLjRU

  6. I wear a Lauburu, also known as the "Basque Cross".


    As one can imagine, due to its shape, I receive quite a number of curious looks.

  7. As you have stated I think symbols of rebellion are everywhere and I find the most efficient way to differentiate myself is by their conspicuous absence in my own style. The issue with symbols is that you always have to share them.

  8. The real name is "Mjölner" or "Tors hammare" (both in swedish).

  9. The real name is "Mjölner" or "Tors hammare" in swedish.

  10. I keep a rabbit's foot in my purse for good luck. I'm sure PETA wouldn't be to happy about it.

  11. I like the Celtic symbols and their mystical powers. A Celtic knot pendant or a ring signifies the Holy Trinity and also makes a nice accessory. Even I have a couple of Celtic jewelry pieces, I can get more to extend my collection.
