21 June 2012

Porterhouse Blue: Present Economic Circumstances

Sir Godber Evans: Don't you find this a little indulgent? Particularly in the present economic circumstances.

Dean: Oh, we never bother with "present economic circumstances".

Senior Tutor: We find that they tend to go away after fifty years or so.
Porterhouse Blue (1987)


  1. Down, today.
    Up, the week before.
    Big downgrades - Moody's?

    Whistling past
    of NYC

  2. Bene edamus! Bene bibamus!
    Saecula semper concelebramus
    Quod imperat Regina
    Ne faveat Doctrina
    Se choro sonoro
    Dives in omnia
    Sed choro sonoro
    Dives in omnia
    Collegium, Collegium acclamus

    Porterhouse, Porterhouse
    To live and die in Porterhouse!
    Dives in omnia!
