26 October 2012

Against Despair

"There's only one great evil in the world today. Despair.”

Evelyn Waugh, Vile Bodies (1930)


Sir James Redhouse said...

And yet, the destruction of Western Civilization leads us step-by-step into desperation.

Anonymous said...

They said we couldn't stop the Persians, couldn't defeat Hannibal, or stop the Moors in France, won't survive the first day in the Holy Lands, couldn't sail around the globe, or defeat Napoleon, couldn't achieve flight, or reach space, land on the moon...

You know. I am sick and tired of hearing what we are not capable of doing when we are capable of everything.

The future is bright to those with the killer instinct to go out and take it.

Anonymous said...

"The future is bright to those with the killer instinct to go out and take it."

Is this a quote from an Islamic terrorist?

DEK said...

And we know how well the '30s turned out.

Anonymous said...

@ Anon 19:15


Laguna Beach Fogey said...

DEK ~ Indeed. But the final dénouement, of course, happened in the mid-1940s.

Soxtory said...

Where is Mr. Chatterbox when we need him?