12 October 2013

Strategic Recriminations

Don't think I didn't notice you today, ol' chap. I saw you and your lady walk by. I was sitting there: big, tall, broad chest, bulging biceps, clipped hair, beard, Persol sunglasses. You couldn't miss me. I know you saw me. I know for a fact your cute little lady did, as she turned back to smile at me flirtatiously after you both had passed. In due course I'll have her. It's only a matter of time. Count on it, you fucking parvenu piece of shit.


  1. Bulging biceps belong on plumbers.

  2. I wouldn't take you for someone who wears a beard.

  3. Anon @05:11 ~ They belong on any man who works out and lifts.

    JE ~ I do sport a beard on occasion, although it's discouraged by upper management at my firm. I started one right before my recent trip to Mexico. It grew quickly, and is now quite full. Women like it.

  4. New neighbor in LB?

  5. Bulging biceps belong on plumbers?
    Bulging biceps belong on anyone with bulging pants and a good dose of self-discipline.
    Amply covered here:

    Don't worry about upper management. Discourage their discouragement by not listening.

  6. Get a wife and some kids?

  7. Bearded for our pleasure!

  8. L ~ Do you drop acid prior to sending your fan letters to me? lol
