20 January 2014


I suppose it is a measure of my acute estrangement from pop-society that I had no idea an important American football game took place yesterday.

No wonder the gym was practically empty!

I already must have been asked half-a-dozen times today by complete strangers what I thought about the result, the performance of the quarter-backs, the defence, etc. WTF?! I've no idea what these proles are talking about. Nothing.

Now don't get me wrong. As you know, I'm into fitness, weight-lifting, and competition, and becoming more so. And I've been known to watch the occasional rugby match or tennis tournament. My background in rugby, squash, and rowing at prep school and university levels is documented.

But, as always, I would rather do than watch.

Professional sports are to fitness as porn is to sex.


  1. actually two games took place yesterday, and if one observes closely, there are valuable life lessons to be learned from watching a football game, i.e., unfairness, sportsmanship, preparedness, intelligence, resilience, fair play, overcoming adversity, efficiency, organization, communication, mathematics, probability - you know, the things it would have been important to learn in prep school.

    And the inter-city rivalries are reminiscent of our inter-colonial rivalries and jealousies.

  2. Anon @16:31 ~ I've no idea what you're talking about. Yesterday I was too busy going to the gym, lifting weights, hitting the beach, and fucking to pay attention to professional sports. Anyway, what kind of man spends his life watching niggerball?

  3. C'mon Cod we know you like watching Tight Ends running around

  4. Mon Amiral,

    Doesn't "niggerball" refer to basketball rather than football?

  5. Anon @19:24 ~ Oh I do, especially if they're attached to young hotties and I'm chasing them around a hotel suite.

    Blanc ~ Maybe so. But it's all the same to me.

  6. When someone brings that retarded football shit up, I ask them what Higgs-Boson is and it's relevance.

    They look dumbfounded. Like those Amazonian tribes that are first seen from an air plane.

  7. I play ice hockey myself. I get good exercise and friendship from it. I even watch a game from the NHL once a week or so, for entertainment.

    But I get your point here. Many people use NFL, NBA, NHL and porn as a form of drug instead of taking control of their own lives.

  8. What constantly amazes me is that so many of the frantic fanboys never played the game at anything above a PeeWee level, if even that. What can they know about it?

  9. Check out this video on YouTube:


  10. Football is bread and circus for the plebs.

  11. Anon @ 20:59 - Watch out! They can read… for… 20… minutes… plus…


    Seriously, this country is finished.
