25 July 2014

Beards I Like

A Cossack volunteer in the first Chechen War


  1. I wonder if you are aware of the Pioneer corps of the French foreign legion? Magnificent beards all.

  2. I wonder if you are aware of the Pioneers of the French foreign legion?

  3. The scowl and the beard says it all.
    The Cossacks! Trained from birth to be fierce cavalrymen. You don't want to be on the receiving end of one of their charges whether on foot or on horseback. Not a good idea to be captured by them either for after a few minutes with them "you will be begging to talk".
    (As much as I hate to say it they were much, much better than my beloved Grey's Scouts.)

  4. .....all true re the cossacks - nasty beggars - I just meant on a superficial level. My father was in 'the legion' and says the tradition is from when the Pioneer corps did a lot of blacksmithery on campaign and the beard and leather apron where to protect the old fizz from sparks!

  5. Is that guy flipping us off?

  6. Could use a handful of national leaders with such a look

  7. Bearded for our pleasure...indeed!
