31 July 2014

Cocktail Command Post


  1. That man has a plebeian taste in liquor. Even the Chivas is only middlebrow.

  2. Yep, I have to admit; that was my first though too…

  3. "plebein taste"? That is the beauty of this picture. This appears to be someone who can afford whatever they like, and does not need to buy into bourgeosie brand consciousness for his liquor. I have seen more than one old line aristo who stocked no better than "Cutty Sark". Chivas is a definate step up from there.

    Or it could be a down on their heels upper who needs the money to support their house.

  4. Per Varios Casus02 August, 2014 07:15

    I looked at it and thought, Ah lunch is served.
