29 September 2014


In the US, a double-barreled surname is more often than not a bitch-tell. That, along with short hair, a degree from a Seven Sisters college, and a career. Consider yourself warned.


  1. Dude, the Seven Sisters are girl's schools. Does anyone really actually want to put Wellesley on their c.v. for godsakes?

    Chico State has way more more cachet if you're a guy.

  2. " When thou goest to woman, take thou whip."

    - Nietzsche

  3. I believe LBF is warning us about women who exhibit those telltale signs. Ample personal experience tells me he is spot on.

  4. What about mainline Protestant clergy who are men who take their wives' names "for equality"?

  5. "What about mainline Protestant clergy who are men who take their wives' names "for equality"?"

    Put them out of their misery by taking them out and shooting them in the head.

  6. . . . and you flustered by a woman. . . I've never detected this before . . . she must have been a dandy.

  7. My good friend Mark O'Donnell pointed out that both of the woman's names are actually men's names. One from her husband and one from her father.

    Careful what company you repeat this in.....
