01 October 2011

Brooks Brothers Blazer

Brooks Brothers navy blazer ad circa 1940
© Brooks Brothers
I don't wear blazers, at least not now, as you well know. I don't like the way I look in them. They make me look schoolboy-ish. Still, I find the blazer in the old Brooks Brothers ad (at left) rather attractive. I think it's the mix of colours. The yellow piping, in particular, gives the garment a nautical or regimental air, which of course was its original purpose. The same can be said about the repp tie. It's a uniform. However earnestly we might deny it, human beings are social beings with a need to belong and fit in. We are tribal. We belong. It's not a matter, however, of simply wearing the right clothing. We are born with unique identities that should be cherished and displayed with confidence and pride, just like the Brooks Brothers blazer in the ad. Show your colours, as it were. Become who you are.

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  1. When I think of a "Pop-tanning", I envision the victim wearing something just like that.

    (And an old pair of pants, of course.)

  2. Improvising on the standard issue two button blazer will move it out of Washington bureaucrat uniform territory. Double breatsed, patch pockets, piping, monogramming - all these things would do the trick. Pair it with go to hell pants, or really anything that isn't gray or khaki. A totenkopf in place of the usual club logo would give it a cavalier edge. As for the schoolboy look, it would be overcome with a full beard. The older, bearded gents I've seen sporting a blazer have a distinguished, grizzled sea captain look to them.

  3. I also love this blazer, and for me, the love begins with the yellow piping. I saw this ad recently when I pre-ordered the book "Preppy". I am even considering having one made!

  4. I love the totenkopf idea! Wonderful.

  5. Sir,

    Sometimes--like many other readers of this blog, I suppose--I get to wondering whether you, Richard of Wasp 101, and Christian of Ivy Style are really one and the same person. Are you really the displaced/misplaced Englishman that you claim to be,
    or a Noo Yawk Joo with a good sense of humor? I most certainly don't expect an answer; just sharing my thoughts. In any case I will continue to follow your blog--a delightful change from the majority of blahgs out there.

  6. Yet another interesting Cod-piece.

  7. "...like a priest in the Middle Ages who has had the sense to understand that only by the cassock could he escape the armed strife and dominate the armored figures."

    Auchincloss: The Rector of Justin

  8. Oh the memories....wore a "uniform" throughout my school years...thank goodness for University....where A pair of jeans or Khakis and polo shirts and Top Siders did the trick
