02 October 2011

Private Chapel


  1. Ma che bella la cappella!

  2. Castle Howard - Post Iraq bliss 2009.

  3. Castle Howard - A blissful day spent there post Iraq 2009. A couple of days after this Broad's bowling destroyed the Aussies and we were on the way to winning the Ashes.

  4. I intend not the least disrespect, but until I noticed the cross on the altar I assumed this was a reconstruction of a pagan Roman temple. And even now, knowing what it is, the cross is its only distinguishingly Christian feature, as the painting above the altar -- viewed from this distance -- could be Apollo.

    I mention this only as a curiosity, as I have traveled consciously as a Christian in partibus infidelii and in places where the faith has been tenuously held, and am of the opinion that all religious people are engaged in a similar enterprise and some of us simply have had the good fortune to be born into what seems to us a better tradition than others. And as I believe the future will eventually belong to faith, even if we must endure an intervening dark age and I myself will never see it, it gives me encouragement.


  5. Codman,

    I found you by following a link from Advocatus Diablo. I'm going to look around a bit and see if you are a WN or not. You shouldn't waste your time on AD. He is a southern Indian with a terrific hatred of whites.

  6. Ryu ~ Thanks. I had him (AD) figured out immediately.
