20 January 2012

On Authenticity

A fellow interweb columnist recently posted some photos of beautiful train stations in Moscow. I commented on how well preserved these places are, in contrast to the decay and neglect in the West. It is remarkable to me how former Communist countries have maintained over the years their authentic architecture and traditions. And demographics! That is the key here. Despite decades of Communist rule and genocide by Judeo-Bolsheviks, Russia still remains Russian and Poland still remains Polish. In the West, under the soft-tyranny of the globalist MultiKult--heirs of the Judeo-Bolsheviks--everything is deteriorating all of the time. Including (especially!) the character and quality of the populations. And that, I think, is the intent. Race-replacement is the objective. I've suspected as much for years, but the veil is lifting and I see it much more clearly now. Human beings are not interchangeable. We are not mere economic units and digestive bags to be discarded and replaced by imported sub-hominids as if nothing matters. We are irreplaceable. In 50 years' time, just whose civilisation will survive? I wonder.


  1. "the veil is lifting and I see it much more clearly now." I think I know how you feel. What strikes me is, when you see clearly, how simple, yet effective, the plot against us are. It's not like the try to hide it, quite the contrary. Time to wake up people.

  2. The truth is that the demographic change in Russia and most of Eastern Europe is heading in the same direction as Western Europe. I read recently about central Moscow being brought to a standstill by thousands of Muslims praying in the street.
    The truth is that there is not one place left anywhere in the world exclusively for our people.
    How much longer our people can continue to ignore this soft genocide is the real question.

  3. We've squandered our cultural heritage;sold it in exchange for the lies of progress and equality. Duped.

  4. And to think that the grandson of one of Trotsky's spear carriers is being set up to be the next Prime Minister of Britain! These soi-disant "world improvers" have much to answer for.

  5. Russia has undergone a lot of changes in the last years and not all of them for the better. They are fed the same liberal propaganda, counterbalanced to some degree by the influence of Russian Orthodox church, which is supported by the government. What the future holds for them is to be seen. By the way, some recent Russian movies are very good, with traditionalist message in them.

  6. You're right.

    For all the sins of Stalin, he kept Russia white. He preserved her greatest natural resource, the white genome.

    The acid test for a real WN is the skins in E. Europe. They have helped keep that area white. If a man damns the skins for their actions, it's very hard for him to be a true WN.

  7. Ah, my dear admiral. What goes around comes around. The imperialistic policies which enabled the west to create colossal colonies across the globe have backfired spectacularly, reversing the roles of colonizer and prey.

  8. Visited East Berlin in 1993, 4 years after the wall, and my first thought was I hope they don't ruin it like west Berlin.

    Leipzig, beautiful city of music,was mostly destroyed during the fire bombings and left unrepaired. Still, in 1993, it was charming. Heard they rebuilt it as it was before the war. A common theme in the east.

  9. The Japanese will be ascendant, again, in fifty years.

  10. While the family has fought several times against the Russians in various conflicts, I still believe Russia will be the one to lead the West back to the top.

    England, USA, Germany are still too blind to see.

  11. Take a look at recent demnographic studies. There is not one western democracy of European decent that has a birthrate to replace itself. A birth rate of 2.1 children per woman is required for replacement. germany=Gone. Italians=gone. jews=Gone. Americans are at 2.1 including hispanic birth rates. uganda 6.7. Congo 6.7 Muslims 8.0 Fifty years from now most of us won't be here and the world will be a very different place.
