19 January 2012

On The Cuff

As you are well aware, I rarely wear cufflinks. I think they are pretentious on men under the age of 50, and they positively smack of trying too hard. I do, however, like to keep my peeps on their toes, so to speak, and so I occasionally mix it up a bit and indulge in a bit of sartorial slumming. Because that is how I roll. The exclusive photographic image (at left) shows a silk knot from the defunct English clothing brand Blazer, acquired from the Covent Garden shop in the late 1980s. The shirt is a new addition to the collection, a flimsy number from the Rugby store in New York. I definitely have something to say about it, but will save it for later. It received several compliments, you might be interested to know, but I remain, as always, unmoved.


  1. I am with you on the double cuffs. Showy and a pain in the ass to secure. I have a number of them from a period when I thought it necessary to have them. I used the knots because I could fasten them beforehand but about one out of ten times I popped one loose resulting in the classic conundrum of what to do with a double cuff and no link. I am getting mad thinking about it.

    The shirt looks nice enough and would get worn a good bit in a button cuff.

  2. Silk knots are de rigueur, except on certain occasions. But, as always, it's the watch that caught my eye.

  3. I also dislike cufflinks, and I seldom wear them.

  4. I've always worn cufflinks and I don't think that, at the time, it was unusual. I find the silk knots rather fiddly.

  5. Nice Shirt!
    Me, I wear doubles all the time. I own a couple normal-cuffed Ralph shirts I wear when its really casual but at work and most time in my casual life its only double-cuffed shirts!! Just because I adore wearing my collection of silk knots or cufflinks to the watch/tie I wear. Plus I like the arrow like shape with the peak pointing back, as if one was moving quite fast.

  6. Way over here in old Europe a man in a suit will usually wear cufflinks and no one for whom he is dressing would ever find it pretentious. The silk knots are fun, but are usually worn with a casual jacket, for instance, without a tie, or on a summer's evening without a jacket at all.
