30 June 2015

Our Purpose

No, we did not ask to be born in these times, but there is a reason why we were. We have a specific purpose here. We are on a mission. Thank God you were created for this era. It is an honour to have been chosen. If you can figure it out and accept it, then everything makes sense. Perceive clearly the path before you.


Anonymous said...

Admiral old chap - I never tire of your philosophical views. Please elaborate on your purpose so that your readers might find theirs.

Anonymous said...

I agree, still I do struggle. We might become the men among ruins, after all. First it must all come to an end. And then we will rise.

Anonymous said...

We're on a mission from God! The Blues Brothers!!

Wake said...

Well, I also dearly need some elaboration from yours. I am convinced I would be a much happier man getting ready to assault the enemy in Waterloo, Verdun or Balaklava than I am now facing this safer but thouroughtly wretched world. What is the key to the acceptance of the unacceptable?

Jacobite said...

It is the sacred duty of every White man to sire another generation of snotty elitists.

Signor Farfalla said...

Maybe we are the first to get the chance to fully embrace an entire life without obligations to pre-established, dull and unrewarding social narratives.

We will be the first to just actually live our lives, day after day, for eighty plus years without sacrificing decades in the name of 'civilization' and certainly without sacrificing our own life satisfaction for the sake of others.

dash deringer said...

so... when I take a baseball bat to a fucking leftist... I can get away with saying - "but... I was born this way"?

Anonymous said...

Devout and passionate tiger ride I´m. I was born to wage a cultural and spiritual war against political correct modernism. And that war I in first hand wage against myself.
