Just a quick word on the subject of black suits. I spotted a young chap wearing a three-button, single breasted black suit this morning. He came perilously close to upsetting my natural rhythm. I happened to be meeting with his boss at the time, and so I immediately asked him to send the boy home. The reason being, I can not abide black suits. In fact I abhor them. Black suits are symptomatic of the lazy, unimaginative style which is driving this civilisation on the rocks.
Black suits are disgusting. They are best suited for men who wear square toe shoes, and put way too much gel in their hair.
square-toed Kenneth Coles!
Good show, LBT. I take it he was wearing a truly awful shirt and tie as well; polyester or some such man-made 'fabric', no doubt bought in a box set. As ILLBT quite rightly said, black suits are for amateurs - or low-level hoods.
Yes, I can confirm, the shoes the young man was wearing had square toes.
Brooks Brothers stopped selling black suits when President Lincoln was shot in one of their make. The suits returned to fashion when Hollywood embraced them again in the 90's. I made the mistake of buying one for costuming purposes (the creative director look that some clients expected.) It sits, having been worn to one funeral, at the back of my closet waiting for me to donate it to a worthy, and unknowing, charity.
Black is for formal wear. And sometimes formal wear is better in midnight blue.
what about black pinstripe??
still make you sick?
WDL ~ Not sick, but definitely queasy I'm afraid. I can tolerate a chalk stripe on deep charcoal or black flannel, as long as it does not resemble gangster style.
i love this post in every way
Did you have him given a quick going over?
Of course, I'm with Charlie on this one :)
Aren't we all? ;)
I could not have said it any better. I'm glad someone else abhors black suits as much as I do. Especially those with "creative" combinations, like black suit, black shirt, and white tie...gads! Or a burgundy shirt, ugh.
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