28 February 2012
27 February 2012
26 February 2012
25 February 2012
Wilfred Thesiger: A Charmed Existence

Wilfred Thesiger: The Life of the Great Explorer, Alexander Maitland (2007)
24 February 2012
23 February 2012
22 February 2012
21 February 2012
20 February 2012
18 February 2012
17 February 2012
Flashman On Ambition

George MacDonald Fraser, Royal Flash (1970)
15 February 2012

"[Paleo] is a diet that is based off the eating practices of ancient man.
The diet itself is designed to mimic the eating habits of preagricultural humans, the hunter gatherers. The thinking behind this is that this phase of human existence is, on a whole, the bulk of human existence. The past few thousand years spent farming grains and crops is just a small percentage of how we’ve existed throughout our existence.
Industrialization has done little to help by making foods, that before were very rare, like sugar, into something incredibly commonplace. To those of us who support the paleo way of life its very obvious why the modern western world is in the middle of an obesity epidemic."
Discourse on Boob Jobs

The reason he did so was her alarmingly lopsided boob job: one breast up, one down. Literally. He texted it to some of us. It was funny and grotesque at the same time. The photo is now doing the rounds in offices in Los Angeles and New York. I wish every woman considering breast enhancement surgery could see it.
A girl friend just told me about a young woman whose fake tits slipped their moorings and fell into her rib cage whilst she was practising yoga. Imagine the embarrassment.
Southern California is rife with women who've gone under the knife, though I've been told Buenos Aires is even worse. London and New York have their share, too, but the women there have fewer opportunities to flaunt it on the streets.
I prefer my women to have natural breasts, for love-making and child-rearing purposes. Up to a certain point, of course, big surgically-enhanced breasts are definitely a sexual turn-on. It's only when one gets one's paws on them that they seem less than ideal: hard, rigid, shiny, unyielding, comic.
As a chap I can report--after years of exhaustive qualitative research and comparative analysis--that fake tits are not all they are supposed to be. Natural is best.
Admiral Cod
14 February 2012
13 February 2012

Bret Easton Ellis, American Psycho (1991)
11 February 2012
10 February 2012
09 February 2012
08 February 2012
Flannel Pinstripe Dispensation

Admiral Cod,
07 February 2012
Cleverley Collection

06 February 2012
Into The Stratosphere

Ernst Jünger, Heliopolis (1949)
05 February 2012

Admiral Cod,
04 February 2012
03 February 2012
02 February 2012
Sloane Ranger Analysis

There is, to be sure, a Darker Side. But true to the spirit of Malinowski, the authors do not shrink from revealing it, too (if only because it turns out to be almost touchingly harmless). Sloanes do commit a lot of traffic offences, and not infrequently cheat on their income tax. A few Henrys are unmistakable ‘four-letter men’, even if they seldom qualify as roaring shits on the full-blooded patrician and/or bohemian scale. There may well be a naughty uncle living in Marrakesh with ‘others of his ilk’, and another being dried out at the Priory in Roehampton or the Crichton in Dumfries. Sloane marriages do quite often come unstuck, whether just because Henry’s ‘moved into his dressing-room’ or because he’s decamped with his secretary, the nanny or his best friend’s wife, in which case Caroline (unless she’s the best friend’s wife in question) goes vengefully off on a Serenissima culture tour. Sloanes are not, on the whole, very charitable. Caroline can be not only meaninglessly gushing, but unpleasantly callous. (The authors are a little ambivalent about this: they are right that Ranger understatement is sometimes misinterpreted by outsiders as callousness, but they also recognise that ‘other Sloanes can be cruel if someone’s “a bit of a mess” ’ – i.e. a ‘fermented boozy’ who’s gone ‘well and truly off the rails’). More of them than are aware of it themselves are intermittent and sometimes chronic depressives, but it’s out of the question to go to a Shrink in (Dreaded) Hampstead or even to admit to the possibility of a need for one (‘You would be a behaviourist – if you knew what it meant’). The real trouble is that Sloanes are not merely ineducably complacent, but indefatigably resistant to any remote possibility of seeing themselves as others see them.'
'Henry and Caroline', by W.G. Runciman, London Review of Books, Vol. 5 No. 6 . 1 April 1983
Sloane Ranger,
Young Fogey
01 February 2012
New Order

Pierre Drieu La Rochelle (1893-1945)
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