'...when something is detestable, and yet inevitable, what one must do is not merely to endure it--a hard task whatever one may do---but find an excuse for loving it. Everything is a matter of points of view, and misfortune is often only the sign of a false interpretation of life.'
Henry de Montherlant
True enough. It does not pay to be miserable when a thing is unavoidable.
Pure sophism in the best sense, although Malraux may be a bit better I should rethink Montherlant again, too.
Of course the modern contradiction to that could e.g. be that it would be better to kill oneself or to die for ones 'ideals' instead of making a compromise with something that is 'disgusting', i.e. to avoid it at any level also the physiological one.
Not to despair. Embrace the situation, the times. Embrace the suck.
And use it.
So, Mr Bond, we meet again....
I recommend his CHAOS AND NIGHT. A fine right wing French writer who survived the occupation of Paris.
I made a post a few days ago that came to a similar conclusion.
"Describing reality as it is is a whole different game than talking about what would be a nice thing to aim for. If the aim is unrealistic, then all the talk of utopia is just a sidetrack from enjoying this real reality the best we can.
And if you are getting in the way of enjoying this real reality, you are diminishing the quality of life for yourself and others. Which is the opposite of what you are trying to accomplish."
What an odd fish. Had I known about him when I was younger I would probably be more bent than I am.
(I tried to write this comment white on white, but, alas, my skill is not up to my humor.)
A splendid role model whom we should all seek to emulate in every respect.
Reminds me of Pittsburgh.
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