Are you into three-pieces? I certainly am, expecially in chilly weather when a sturdy suit of sartorial armour is practically a necessity. The candid photographic image (
at left) depicts a vintage Brooks Brothers three-piece suit in thick charcoal Tweed and 3/2 button configuration. Shirt and repp tie, also by Brooks Brothers. They've been in my collection for years. I can just recall my late
father, a Wall Street executive, wearing three-piece suits in the 1970s and early 1980s. They must have kept him warm on the daily commute to and from Manhattan. Please forgive the quality of the photograph, hastily taken by an admiring paparazza (
note my hand bestowing a well-deserved pat on the head) in a wood-panelled corridor of financial power, which invariably occurs when one is dashing about being charming. The effect, I can report with a smile, was quite palpable.
In the Eighties my closet was full of vests on hangers, never worn. All Brooks suits in those days came with the third piece.
lol, very good.
I've always liked 3 piece suits but my entire wardrobe was ravaged by moths after I hastily put them in storage a few years back. I'm looking to get kitted up anew once the coffers permit. I read the link on your late father-very well expressed and not unlike my own experiences. Looking good LBF; Godspeed!
Very nice Admiral. A wrecking ball has swung through the house of WH, but I'm happy to report that the sartorial armor helped to lessen the blow.
Very nice Admiral. A wrecking ball has swung through the house of WH, but I'm happy to report that the sartorial armor helped to lessen the blow.
Excellent post and quick reaction!
Though, I often wonder if it is good or bad that I am the youngest customer at my local Brooks Brothers. Does have its advantages with the younger, female store associates. :)
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