Give me, my God, that which you have
left over. Give me that for which you
are never asked
I do not ask for wealth
Nor for success, nor even for health
You are asked so often, my God, for
all that
That you must not have any left
Give me, my God, that which you have
left over
Give me that which people refuse to take
from you
I want insecurity and restlessness
I want torment and brawling
And that you should give them to me,
my God,
Once and for all
Let me be sure to have them always
For I will not always have the courage
To ask you for them.
'fess up. You can't very well post this and 'failed African mercenary' on the site without adding a post to explain.
This Praier was found, at the corps of the "Aspirant Parachutiste" Zirnheld, belonginng to the Free French Forces, who died in combact for his country, in Northern Africa, in 1942.
In 1955, when the Portuguese Paratroopers were created, this Prayer was adopted as their Prayer, for them to remember their French comrade Zirnheld.
I personally, who was not born yet in 1942 and I'm not French appreciate a little respect towards the Aspirant Parachutiste Zirnheld.
His death, with other ones, allow today some guys to day no matther the nonsense they wish in the name of what ?.... free speaking rights ?
To the attention of the blog author, please. Can youplease replace ? Ther are a few important mistakes at last period. Thank you
This Praier was found, at the corps of the "Aspirant Parachutiste" Zirnheld, belonginng to the Free French Forces, who died in combact for his country, in Northern Africa, in 1942.
In 1955, when the Portuguese Paratroopers were created, this Prayer was adopted as their Prayer, for them to remember their French comrade Zirnheld.
I personally, who was not born yet in 1942 and I'm not French appreciate a little respect towards the Aspirant Parachutiste Zirnheld.
His death, with many other ones, allow today millions of guys to say no matther the nonsense they wish, in the name of what ?.... free humor rights ?
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