'In a time like ours there are four kinds of people. There are those who consciously wish to sink further and deeper into chaos and darkness. There are those who willingly or unwillingly, are always ready to endure anything. Then there are also right-wing dinosaurs around who live the present situation by way of lamenting. From whining to commemorations, they imagine they can bring back the old order, which explains why they constantly score defeats.
But there are also those who yearn for a new beginning. Those who live in the darkness, but are not of the darkness; i.e. those who strive to resurrect the light. Those who know that beyond the real, there is also the possible. They like to quote George Orwell: “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”'
Alain de Benoist, 'La fin du monde a bien eu lieu',
Eléments (n°146, January–March 2013)
I'm ready to sink further into the darkness.
Ryu ~ Really? I had you pegged as a light-conveyor.
Is there a source for this compelling picture?
I want to start anew, destroy the status quo - bathe in its blood.
What about a fifth kind? The uneducated buffoons who have no clue as to what is going on and don't care. They seem to make up a bigger part of population these days.
Why not take what was good from the past and build on it ALA Dugin's "Fourth Political Theory". Surely we can preserve our heritage without sliding into the muck along with the liberal Neo-cons.
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