"Faced as we are with this destiny, there is only one world-outlook that is worthy of us, that which has already been mentioned as the Choice of Achilles -- better a short life, full of deeds and glory, than a long life without content. Already the danger is so great, for every individual, every class, every nation, that to cherish any illusion whatever is deplorable. The march of time cannot be halted; there is no question of prudent retreat or clever renunciation. Only dreamers believe there is a way out. Optimism is cowardice."
Men and Technics, Oswald Spengler
Sounds as if you need to get on the next plane to London and be measured at Anderson and Shepherd for a fine suit in a rather dashing and uplifting tweed. (look at www.dashingtweed.co.uk for inspiration). Have something made up in a deep purple velvet at the same time - women adore velvet suits. Enjoy the hospitality at nearby Claridges while you wait for your fittings. Be happy in the knowledge your investments are completely recession proof as they will handed down and worn with pride my several generations of your descendents. See, every cloud has a silver lining...
Thanks, I'll look around for Spengler.
The Decline of the West, unabridged - its predictive history; just remember not to take Spengler too seriously, as it may be disastrous.
Eine macht frei, you greedy bastard.
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