"In France, the tasseled loafer makes its own peculiar political statement. John Vinocur, the executive editor of The International Herald Tribune, said that the shoes were worn, actually flaunted, by young rightists in the mid-1980's who wished to demonstrate their distaste for the Socialist Government...To them, the preppiness of the shoe represented American prosperity and free-market conservatism. Thus, it became part of the battle uniform of the young soldier of la contre-revolution."
The Politicization of Tassel Loafers, Neil A. Lewis, New York Times, 03/11/93
There is a great lacking of tassel loafers these days.
This absence and the proliferation of mini-vans are the root cause of the bullshit.
O ~ Mini-vans are a pet-peeve. They irritate the hell out of me.
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