A brief tribute to Ian Fleming, in his centenary year. As a schoolboy I developed an imperishable curiosity about him. I spent hours perusing Fleming first editions in the book shops off Tottenham Court Road in London. I devoted one summer to reading every Bond novel and Fleming biography I could lay my hands on. The Hollywood glitter of the Bond movie franchise failed to impress me.

Fleming was noted for his dark blue suits and bow ties. He was one of those men who settles on one style and sticks with it. On his estate in Jamaica, he wore unusual belted shirt affairs. My favourite Fleming photos show him in Jamaica wearing a plaid shirt and khaki shorts. Of course, for me, it was not his clothing but his life that inspired.
do you like your bond daniel craig?
must say your blog is smashing..bravo!
I loved Fleming's books as well, and I too had the same fixation on all things Fleming for several months. Pity the movies don't do justice to his books.
I am currently reading Casino Royale, I saw the movie first, and wish I didn't have Daniel Craig's face as the face of Bond...not that he was a bad Bond...just wish I was reading it with fresh eyes...
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