As you know, when the summer season finally arrives, I greet it like a happy puppy. And that means going sockless. Warm weather is a perfect time to de-accessorise. I often can be spotted this time of year going bareback in a pair of horsebit loafers, tassel loafers, Weejuns, or boat shoes. Of course, my feet sometimes attract looks from passersby, but I like to imagine they are admiring my tanned and shapely ankles.

Just recently, during an outing to a neighbourhood dining establishment, I went sockless whilst wearing a pair of black Gucci horsebit loafers and charcoal worsted trousers. I concede, maybe this was a step too far, as my dining companion vigorously chided me over the ommission. But, I simply can not help it. When I slide my naked foot inside a warm loafer, the sensation of leather on skin heats my blood and invokes memories of ivory sands and azure seas.
How do you deal with the inevitable odor that going sockless leaves in your shoes? Do you have a certain brand of spray or something that you use?
I like going sockless too but I feel it ruins my shoes, and I wear very expensive shoes.
Nice post.
Look at you LBT showing a little leg!
Unfortunately, a little leg is all my new editor premits me to show.
"New editor"? Do tell.
John ~ I hear you. I use insoles and vary the frequency with which I wear a particular pair. I haven't had a problem.
I use a little baby powder in the shoe. Not so sticky when you're feet sweat.
LBT, Brown reverse calf in the summer?
I like going sockless in my bass weejuns and sperrys, but I share John's worry about damaging my expensive shoes.
Sockless with tassels is an interesting idea. Something to consider.
this is not at all about the absence of socks with summer shoes (on which I applaud you, but don't try it with ankle boots as I once did-I wrestled with them for 45 minutes), but about your tone: I find your writing very 'Wodehouseian.' Are there any obvious influences on your writing style?
Ah, sockless in suede... a winning combination in summer. I find that the suede loafers do a bit better as they breathe more than say, cordovan.
In the South, we go sockless to Church in the summer. Of course, sockless is reserved for Gucci or Weejun loafers.
I am w/Richard & John on the sockless approach, confining it to Bean bluchers or weejuns. nice suede tassels.
Brilliant photo - I did the sockless Alden tassel loafers to my engagement party in Vermont two weeks ago and received more than a few compliments.
Unlike many loafers, the Gucci horsebit variety are wildly comfy sans socks -- even when fairly new. I've been wearing mine with cuffed jeans lately (as a female, wearing them with socks makes me feel a little like Michael Jackson). Cheers to throwing the socks aside. I love it.
To Trad: I wear what most would consider "extremely expensive" shoes and wear them sockless year round (I live in Chicago mind you) and have never ruined a pair of shoes from wearing them sockless. Furthermore, I have never had a problem with odor - then again, my diet I believe accounts to the lack of odor (I do not eat any animal products; such a practice creates unpleasant odors throughout your body). Nonetheless, I think the more expensive the shoes the less chance there is for there to be odor or unjust wear. Most shoes in the $150-$300 range incorporate foam and other inferior products in the construction of the shoe which can take on odors and significant wear. Pay at least $400 for your shoes and you will notice a huge difference in everything - sockless or not.
Like JJ I wear my shoes sockless all year. I agree when you buy expensive and well made shoes, they are much easier to wear sockless, breathe better, and don't have much odor. The odor part is different for each of us based on our feet and how we sweat or don't sweat much. Baby powder or wiping your feet with a deodarant stick can help the sweat factor a lot with feet, just like other areas of our bodies that sweat.
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