30 September 2011
29 September 2011
28 September 2011
Bearded Weirdies

27 September 2011
Jeeves on Emblematic Ties
[Jeeves is in the kitchen recovering from a momentary panic attack]
Bertie Wooster: What on earth's the matter, Jeeves? Jeeves?
Jeeves: I apologise, sir. It was unforgivable of me. I shall be better directly. It's just...Mr. Little's tie, sir. It has...little horseshoes on it, sir.
Bertie Wooster: Oh yes, yes, I noticed that.
Jeeves: It's sometimes difficult just to shrug these things off, sir.
"Jeeves the Matchmaker", Jeeves and Wooster, 19 May 1991
Bertie Wooster: What on earth's the matter, Jeeves? Jeeves?
Jeeves: I apologise, sir. It was unforgivable of me. I shall be better directly. It's just...Mr. Little's tie, sir. It has...little horseshoes on it, sir.
Bertie Wooster: Oh yes, yes, I noticed that.
Jeeves: It's sometimes difficult just to shrug these things off, sir.
"Jeeves the Matchmaker", Jeeves and Wooster, 19 May 1991
26 September 2011
25 September 2011
On Charity
Recently I have noticed individuals of mostly African extraction sitting at tiny makeshift tables in front of certain stores. In a manner both friendly and menacing they solicit donations from passing shoppers, most of whom are affluent European Americans.
It is a scene familiar to most of us. Perhaps we should not blame them personally; they are what they are. No, my disgust is with my own. There is something distasteful to me in the public way Europeans invariably hand over money to these individuals, often stopping to engage in not-very-convincing banter as if they were old friends.
These public acts of charity, I think, are designed to enhance the Westerner's moral status in the eyes of his community. More importantly, it is a clear exchange: in return for cash, the white man is absolved of the nasty thoughts and deeds of which by virtue of his genetic heritage he is assumed to be guilty. It is rather analogous to the selling and granting of indulgences by the Church.
It is a telling measure of my alienation, one could argue, that I feel no such charitable urge towards The Other. Absolutely none. Nor do I suffer from guilt or shame for not partaking in the bizarre ritual, whether it be surrendering cash to African beggars on our streets, building houses in Central America, adopting Mongolian babies, or sending money to grossly overpopulated African countries. I just do not feel it. In fact, it strikes me as unreasonable, harmful, and immoral to hand over one's resources. On a purely biological level, it is an arrant violation of our genetic interests.
I am of course not without altruistic instincts--a quality for which our race is known--but my loyalty is to my own. Charity, after all, begins at home, as the Bible affirms in 1 Tim 5:8: "But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." Let me be clear: for ourselves and ourselves alone.
It is imperative we pull together. The world continues to fracture in ways still unacknowledged by most. New conflicts are emerging over issues of cultural difference, ethnic dominance, and resource scarcity. Primal loyalties are resurfacing. Old scores are being settled. There is no avoiding it. We must not allow altruism to supersede our instinct for self-preservation. Choose life.
So there you have it. Should you be in Laguna Beach this weekend, do look me up. I will be the tall handsome chap in polo shirt, red shorts, and boat shoes, giving a donation to a group of little blonde Boy Scouts and their beaming fathers. We can discuss the matter in more detail, and perhaps buy each other a cocktail.
It is a scene familiar to most of us. Perhaps we should not blame them personally; they are what they are. No, my disgust is with my own. There is something distasteful to me in the public way Europeans invariably hand over money to these individuals, often stopping to engage in not-very-convincing banter as if they were old friends.
These public acts of charity, I think, are designed to enhance the Westerner's moral status in the eyes of his community. More importantly, it is a clear exchange: in return for cash, the white man is absolved of the nasty thoughts and deeds of which by virtue of his genetic heritage he is assumed to be guilty. It is rather analogous to the selling and granting of indulgences by the Church.
It is a telling measure of my alienation, one could argue, that I feel no such charitable urge towards The Other. Absolutely none. Nor do I suffer from guilt or shame for not partaking in the bizarre ritual, whether it be surrendering cash to African beggars on our streets, building houses in Central America, adopting Mongolian babies, or sending money to grossly overpopulated African countries. I just do not feel it. In fact, it strikes me as unreasonable, harmful, and immoral to hand over one's resources. On a purely biological level, it is an arrant violation of our genetic interests.
I am of course not without altruistic instincts--a quality for which our race is known--but my loyalty is to my own. Charity, after all, begins at home, as the Bible affirms in 1 Tim 5:8: "But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." Let me be clear: for ourselves and ourselves alone.
It is imperative we pull together. The world continues to fracture in ways still unacknowledged by most. New conflicts are emerging over issues of cultural difference, ethnic dominance, and resource scarcity. Primal loyalties are resurfacing. Old scores are being settled. There is no avoiding it. We must not allow altruism to supersede our instinct for self-preservation. Choose life.
So there you have it. Should you be in Laguna Beach this weekend, do look me up. I will be the tall handsome chap in polo shirt, red shorts, and boat shoes, giving a donation to a group of little blonde Boy Scouts and their beaming fathers. We can discuss the matter in more detail, and perhaps buy each other a cocktail.
24 September 2011
Nationalist Insignia
23 September 2011
Jeeves: Ties Matter

Bertie Wooster: What do ties matter, Jeeves, at a time like this?
Jeeves: There is no time, sir, at which ties do not matter.
P.G. Wodehouse, Jeeves and the Impending Doom (1926)
22 September 2011
Am I A Chap? (Gustav Temple)
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If you have to ask... |
Am I A Chap? by Gustav Temple is published by Beautiful Books. This comprehensive tome seeks to classify every species and sub-species of the English gentleman that one may observe throughout the seasons, from the flamboyant young fop to the crusty old duffer. Looking at the origins of the "Chap" genus, in figures such as Edward VII and Ian Carmichael, and their caddish counterparts such as Terry-Thomas and Bunny Roger, the book takes us up to the present day with contemporary types such as the Bohemian Chap and the Hip Chap.
The book includes a selection of the photographs sent into the magazine's "Am I Chap?" section, along with their vigorous, uncompromising but ultimately helpful sartorial critiques. Elsewhere you will find detailed histories of the essential accoutrements for a gentleman's wardrobe, from brogues to trilbies to Fair Isle sweaters; pen-portraits of those who seem to be carrying the Chappist ensign as they go about their daily business - familiar characters such as Atters, Albion and Billy Childish.
With 192 full colour pages, concluding with a definitive directory of Britain's finest emporia of gentlemanly raiment, including new, vintage and bespoke, Am I A Chap? is an essential tome for any budding Chap-about-Town, fitting snugly into the poacher's pocket of a good Hacking jacket; it will also serve as a stylish and useful compendium for those with a desire to go "Chap Spotting".
The Cleverley Shape
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A pair of G.J. Cleverley bespoke brogues and copy of Baily's Hunting Directory from my beagling days |
As for a defining house style, the so-called ‘Cleverley Shape’ has graced the feet of many through the past half century or so.
Glasgow explains. “When Cleverley was alive, he’d say his shoes were ‘suspiciously square’. That was his terminology. His toe-shape was unique to him. He used to cut the corner off a bit, just a shade.”
What Cleverley’s shoes have also become renowned for is their longevity. Looked after properly, there is no reason why a handmade pair of their bespoke shoes shouldn’t last a man through his working life.
Indeed, Glasgow mentions that ‘it is not uncommon’ for a pair to be brought back for a little care and attention some 25 years after they were made. Shoe trees, diligent polishing and shoe repairs are the requirements to ensure their long life, he adds.
21 September 2011
20 September 2011
19 September 2011
18 September 2011
17 September 2011
The Last Colonial (Christopher Ondaatje)

The Last Colonial, Christopher Ondaatje (2011)
16 September 2011
G.J. Cleverley: Bespoke Black Brogues
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Black brogues, black heart |
15 September 2011
Emile Cioran: combinards

Emile Cioran, Histoire et utopie (1960)
14 September 2011
Skullion: On Attire For A Gentleman

Tom Sharpe, Porterhouse Blue (1974)
John Lobb: Brogued Slip-Ons
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John Lobb: Brogued slip-ons, from the collection of Sir M. L., 11th Baron of W. © Classic Shoes For Men |
13 September 2011
Face the Sun

Как странно говорить, как это в самый разгар такого изобилия! За последние полтора года я живу в и из мелодии, странник на краю апокалипсиса. Я провел часы в созерцательной отряд постепенно кожура от скуки и отчаяния и скульптуры новое сознание, в этом, заключительном акте Кали-юги. Как вы знаете, у меня было предчувствие бури за последние три года и, соответственно, сделали необходимые финансовые меры, избегая разрушительные экономические последствия, выпавшие на долю некоторых из моих товарищей. Но были и другие события, происходящие в косых углов и грядущего на быстро, за что я признаюсь, я был не готов, сбивая меня боком к краю. Я погрузил лицо в пропасть, чтобы увидеть, если бы я мог определить глубину, только чтобы вырваться с преобразованным убеждения и возобновления сил. Даже сами боги будут лице курс действий, на которые я тогда решил и которая остается нереализованной здесь, несмотря на аполлонического культа. Луи-Фердинанд Селин сказал одиночества является подготовка к смерти. Возможно, он завышает ее немного, но ведь он был прав. По мере продвижения к некоторым истинам, мы становимся духовно изолированным от наших товарищей и таким образом достичь "живой смерти". Но мы должны посмотреть на это с другой точки зрения. Разве это не релиз? Разве это не такая свобода, проникнуть границы и выходить за рамки? Мы становимся кибер-гоплитов разведку вдоль границы, следопытов на границах мира. Жмем далее. Смерть может прийти в любой момент. Существует никаких оснований бояться. Встаньте. Лицом к солнцу. Выберите бой!
12 September 2011
11 September 2011
Ten Years Ago
Just over ten years ago I moved back to Greenwich, Connecticut. I lived in a one-bedroom flat in central Greenwich with a hot little Brazilian girl with green eyes, jet-black hair, and an insatiable sex drive. It was a couple of blocks from Greenwich Avenue, within walking distance of Richards, JCrew, Starbucks, the tobacconist, and a variety of restaurants and bars. As you know, it was familiar territory: I lived for many years in that part of Connecticut and still had family there.
I had spent the preceding three years on a sojourn in England and South Africa, taking time off from a NYC banking career to travel. In London I renewed ties with Tory and Nationalist contacts and fell in with a group of consultants and journalists specialising in security affairs, counter-terrorism, and political risk assessment. I supported the Serbian campaign against Albanian insurgents in Kosovo, and, when US-NATO forces retaliated against Serbia in 1999, I volunteered with Serbian activists in London. Fighting terrorism was very much on everyone's mind in the late 1990s, but no one, it seems, was prepared to consider they were supporting the wrong side. But more on that later.
I worked at an international bank in Stamford. On the morning of the attacks in Manhattan one of my colleagues stumbled into my office, wide-eyed and upset, and said: "We're being attacked!" The news programmes showed the second jet hitting a tower. From the office windows we could just about see the plumes of smoke rising over lower Manhattan. After a short while we were told to go home. Driving south on I-95 over the Mianus River Bridge I caught up with a dark young man of Indian or Middle Eastern appearance driving an old car and shot him a look that must have said "I'm going to fucking kill you!", because he looked terrified and quickly switched lanes to avoid me. I would have done, at that moment.
Once home I changed and met up with some friends at Mackenzie's in Old Greenwich. It was crowded and the television sets were on. The regulars were already there. Soon a stream of New York commuters filled the bar, covered in ash, horrified and quiet, tear-stains on their face, asking for and receiving drinks. It was a solemn spectacle. I spent the rest of the evening with friends at Sundown Saloon on Greenwich Avenue. Over and over again footage of planes hitting the towers filled the screens. Later that night the Greenwich firefighters, paramedics, and cops who had gone to Manhattan that morning returned to town, groups of big silent men moving through the streets.
Ten years later, the situation is badly eroded. Introducing a host of authoritarian measures in the name of 'the war on terror', the governing authorities have transformed America into a police state. American forces remain in Iraq and Afghanistan waging unjust, unwinnable wars and slaughtering innocents. The US foreign policy establishment, firmly in the grip of its Levantine masters, is quietly gearing up for war with Syria and Iran, even as the central government is on the edge of bankruptcy. Borders remain wide open. American communities are filling up with the dregs of the third world, unwanted and unasked for. The barbarians are not only inside the gates, they are beginning to make demands. Muslim immigration has increased, and, with it, more incidents of Muslim terrorism. African 'flash mobs' continue to terrorise Euro Americans with impunity, as a low-level race war simmers and threatens at any moment to boil over. Incredibly, the MultiKult, wasting no opportunity to tighten its stranglehold on the majority population, portrays ordinary Americans as 'terrorists' and issues threats of violence against them.
What began as chest-thumping farce has turned into a serious case of treason and betrayal.
The Ernstfall is upon us.
I had spent the preceding three years on a sojourn in England and South Africa, taking time off from a NYC banking career to travel. In London I renewed ties with Tory and Nationalist contacts and fell in with a group of consultants and journalists specialising in security affairs, counter-terrorism, and political risk assessment. I supported the Serbian campaign against Albanian insurgents in Kosovo, and, when US-NATO forces retaliated against Serbia in 1999, I volunteered with Serbian activists in London. Fighting terrorism was very much on everyone's mind in the late 1990s, but no one, it seems, was prepared to consider they were supporting the wrong side. But more on that later.
I worked at an international bank in Stamford. On the morning of the attacks in Manhattan one of my colleagues stumbled into my office, wide-eyed and upset, and said: "We're being attacked!" The news programmes showed the second jet hitting a tower. From the office windows we could just about see the plumes of smoke rising over lower Manhattan. After a short while we were told to go home. Driving south on I-95 over the Mianus River Bridge I caught up with a dark young man of Indian or Middle Eastern appearance driving an old car and shot him a look that must have said "I'm going to fucking kill you!", because he looked terrified and quickly switched lanes to avoid me. I would have done, at that moment.
Once home I changed and met up with some friends at Mackenzie's in Old Greenwich. It was crowded and the television sets were on. The regulars were already there. Soon a stream of New York commuters filled the bar, covered in ash, horrified and quiet, tear-stains on their face, asking for and receiving drinks. It was a solemn spectacle. I spent the rest of the evening with friends at Sundown Saloon on Greenwich Avenue. Over and over again footage of planes hitting the towers filled the screens. Later that night the Greenwich firefighters, paramedics, and cops who had gone to Manhattan that morning returned to town, groups of big silent men moving through the streets.
Ten years later, the situation is badly eroded. Introducing a host of authoritarian measures in the name of 'the war on terror', the governing authorities have transformed America into a police state. American forces remain in Iraq and Afghanistan waging unjust, unwinnable wars and slaughtering innocents. The US foreign policy establishment, firmly in the grip of its Levantine masters, is quietly gearing up for war with Syria and Iran, even as the central government is on the edge of bankruptcy. Borders remain wide open. American communities are filling up with the dregs of the third world, unwanted and unasked for. The barbarians are not only inside the gates, they are beginning to make demands. Muslim immigration has increased, and, with it, more incidents of Muslim terrorism. African 'flash mobs' continue to terrorise Euro Americans with impunity, as a low-level race war simmers and threatens at any moment to boil over. Incredibly, the MultiKult, wasting no opportunity to tighten its stranglehold on the majority population, portrays ordinary Americans as 'terrorists' and issues threats of violence against them.
What began as chest-thumping farce has turned into a serious case of treason and betrayal.
The Ernstfall is upon us.
Admiral Cod
10 September 2011
08 September 2011
Kerouac: A Truer Darkness
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Kerouac: sensible haircut and OCBD |
Jack Kerouac, Vanity of Duluoz (1968)
06 September 2011
Surfing's Greatest Legend: Bunker Spreckels

05 September 2011
End of Summer Spectators

03 September 2011
02 September 2011
01 September 2011
German Nationalist Style
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Danke Thilo! |
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